Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thanks to everyone that started following me. Today was a GREAT day! Well, not the best for food but pretty good. Due to a client rushing me, I missed a good breakfast and had an apple instead. How is that for a "SMALL PLATE". Heck no plate needed! ;-) Before lunch I was able to (sadly) watch Venus get beat at Wimbledon. She is such a nice player with heart and power, but GO SERENA (who won her match and lets hope she wins it all).

But for lunch I went to Charley's for their salad and sandwich bar with a friend from class. It's nice to find a place that allows you to eat out and, so easily, eat healthy. When you eat a lunch like that, you cant help but feel healthy and full of energy.

I spent some time with Micah and Sarah In Correctionville for Dinner. You can see the new lake in Correctionville above...WAIT that's a soy bean field that has been flooded. This area would make a wonderful lake but you have to hate it for those farmers losing money.

At any rate...I got FORTY MINUTES of exercise in tonight. I walked/ran for 20 minutes and elipticalized for 20 minutes. Pretty awesome.

Well welcome to my blog yet again. GO NADAL!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Small Plate

So this is my first try at blogging. I named this small plate because for some reason I eat too dang much! LOL! No but really, I have a lot on my plate, food wise and life wise. It is my hope that this blog will help keep me in control. I have some goals that I hope to be held accountable for. I will be posting my good meals, bad meals, exercising habits, and whatever else pops into my head. I am sure that I will find a way to squeeze in complaints about life, school, work, and politics along the way. So lets get started! Follow me people!