Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Melon Patch

On my quest to find the JUST RIGHT watermelon I had to talk to my brother. Anyone that knows Anthony knows that he eats watermelon (or any fruit for that matter) like a Guppy drinks water! Ever since that day I have picked Perfect little watermelons to devour. So what is the trick he told me? Also anyone that knows my brother understands that he is a man of few words at times. And when he has a secret cooking tip he likes to keep it to himself so we will flock to him for the food. Haha! Well the only advice he gave me was to thump them. Find two that sound nothing alike and purchase them. Cut them both, remembering how the thumps sound, and keep getting the one that taste the best. Well…it worked my friends. No more silly tasting watermelons in my future…I hope! LOL.
I am also continuing my search for the right job. I wish it was as easy as a thump and taste test. But it isn’t. I have applied all over North Carolina, a few places in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and South Carolina. I am waiting on the license in North Carolina and they said it could be August before they get to me! FML! So Blah. I am just waiting. In the mean time I enjoy what I do so no need to rush, right?!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Teen sex at home!? Yikes!

Yeah I know! I have been gone for too long. You people have missed me. Well no worries because I will be here for a while now. School is over and my fingers are a hurting to TYPE! So here we go!
Over the past few weeks ABC news and other outlets have discussed teens being allowed to have sex in their parent’s home. Wow! I cannot even believe that I am discussing this because it seems like such a clear answer! NO!!!
An argument that is used by proponent of this debate feel that if you allow them to have sex in the home then they will have safer sex. Safe? Well let me tell you one thing…if a child is going to have sex in your house (allowed to have sex in your house) they will still have sex in strange and crazy place and maybe with more people. Where do they draw the line? Would the child be able to bring 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc… sexual partners in the house? Will they only be allowed to bring a boy/girlfriend? These parents are setting their homes up to be a wild sexual playhouse. Not to mention the awkwardness of hearing your own children grunting along to some baby making music!
I say it’s one thing to educate your children about sex but it is a totally different thing to give them the clean sheets and cushy bed to do it in. (Or the kitchen counter, bath tub, living room) This has crossed the line into buddyhood. Parents have to stay parents and not just friends to their teens…or pimps to their kids. And can you imagine how these kids will look in school? Especially girls…I know double standard) I am sure they will then tell their friends…”Hey come on over to my house to have sex bc my mom will not care!”

Okay, I’m done!